While I was studying in Los Angeles, my big cousin became my chaperon. We lived on the same street, and if I needed anything, I would go and buzz his gate at all hours. I was a nuisance.
One day, he called and said he had tickets to the Lakers playoff, and invited me to go. Back then, I didn't know much about basketball, but an outing sure beat surfing TV channels at home.
That game had dominant players like Kareem Abdul-Jabar and Magic Johnson. Yeah, it was that long ago, and I have given away my age. Anyhow, I was hooked to the Lakers.
I have been a Lakers fan for years, and my memorable plays were those paired by Shaquille O' Neal and Kobe Bryant. Although the Chicago Bulls have dominated the NBA scene then, I was still rooting for the Lakers.
With Michael Jordan came the "star" power. A lot of players play to show off their stride and it's a show rather than team playing. The loss at the 2 previous Olympics brought out the arrogance of the players.
Not this time around. Although there are big stars like Kobe, Lebron James, Jason Kidd, Dwyane Wade and other great players, they played as a team. The other teams were rough on Team USA, but they managed to keep their cool, and just smiled, even they were fouled badly by other teams.
There was a shot of Lebron James and Kobe glaring and Carmelo Anthony losing his cool for a second, but Team USA played with grace, professionalism and team spirit. One more game and Team USA will be "golden" again.
I am very impressed with the grace and cool of Team USA's players. And Kobe has emerged a more mature player rather than the green, arrogant, green kid, from eons ago. When the pressure cooker is on, some lose it and begin to unravel and spiral downwards. The ones who come out winning are the ones who keep their cool, and gracefully take the pressure in stride.
Am I glad to be rooting for a graceful team!! USA for Gold!!!
(photo : yahoo picture gallery)
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