I am not a big chocolate fan, but an occasional chocolate mousse cake or a creamy hot chocolate is nice. Sometimes, I would splurge on my sweet tooth, and a Godiva or a Cova truffle would nicely satisfy me. I consider them luxury items coz one piece of truffle is pretty pricey.
Well, imagine my surprise when I walked into the Noka Chocolate Store in MidTown. The chocolates were framed by a backlight, so they somehow looked mysterious. There weren't a lot of choices, only 4 flavors to choose from, but the price tag was what made me go "whoa!!"
One tiny piece of chocolate costs US$10 and it's the size of a piece you break from a Cadbury bar!! I got so curious that I actually bought the one piece. The lady explained the reason behind the exotic price was that there's an initial taste, and an after taste that would linger in your mouth. Ok...
I tried it on my train ride from the onsen in Hakone back to Shinjuku. Maybe I was expecting too much. Indeed there were flavors described by the lady, but the taste certainly didn't linger long. 2 minutes of indulgence came with a US$10 price tag!! Luckily I wasn't sold to buy the 3000 yen ice cream!!
我喜歡吃朱古力,不過如果要那麼貴,我就捨不得吃了,對我來說,並不值得用那麼多錢去吃,不過如果我去日本,我也會好似你一樣, 買一粒試吓點解可以值得那樣貴!
:) That's why I got that one little piece, but now I want my $$ back!!
hahahaha that's a lot for a chocolate.
Did you notice how much the chocolate was at Bulgari?
1500 yen per piece.
I ask myself, it's made from beans, do I need to pay that much? no matter how delicately they are made?
I was soooo tired that day at the Bulgari Cafe I didn't even looked. I knew there were chocolates there. 1500 yen? There must be some hidden gold there we didn't know!!
No, we definitely don't need to pay that much, and trust me, you'd want your $$ back after you tasted it!! :)
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