Gal's Point of View - A Day to be hooked up at all cost
Guy's Point of View - A Day to be avoided at all cost
I got a call from a male friend on Valentine's Day, wishing me a good day and asked me for some advice. The girl he had been dating was asking him where they'd spend Valentine's Day.
My friend was hesitant and non-committal till the last moment. He said that he was going for a round of golf and wouldn't be back till after dinner time. In fact, he was home. He didn't want to have dinner with her because it would make them too "official". Drinks would be more casual and they would be less of an item. OK....
Gals all expected their significant others to "do something", coz that's what couples "should" do on Valentine's Day. To the gals, it would be unimaginable if there weren't any plans, presents, flowers in store on this big day. After all, what better day than Valentine's Day to show love and appreciation for each other? With much anticipation and expectation, the gals waited ....
The moral of the story is, if the gal is dating a guy above. This would be a day of utter disappointment. It is the everlasting struggle of guys wanting to be non-committal, and gals wanting commitment. Of course there are happy couples enjoying the day and each other's company. I believe that feeling appreciative of each other should be mutual. If the bond is there, you could feel it in your heart, each and every day, and not only on this day.
(Photo http://www.mydreamwedding.ca/uploads/Image/Kyla/8111.jpg)
我認識一位朋友,她的老公每年情人節也不會作任何昂貴的表現,不會有浪漫的付出.不過這不代表他沒有表示, 因為他視每一天都是情人節,他認為只要與太太一起, 每一天也是情人節,他會利用電話將美麗的花朵拍下send給太太, 太太將所收到的花好好的儲存,他們平淡但令人回味.
我認為女人希望在情人節那天, 情人會向自己表示, 是因為平日已經沒有太多機會接收到,希望可以在這特別日子上,有一些心意的表示.如果平日已經收慣了, 哪會計較哪一天半天呢?就如母親節,父親節一樣,如果要在那天表示對父母親的愛,那為什麼情人節又可以例外?我覺得一切也在乎心!女人好容易感受到對方對自己的感覺, 她的不滿,有百份之九十九都是因為對方不上心!
It sure would have been an utter disappointment if the girlfriend knew!
These days Valentines have become very commercial too. But since I am one of the gals too, I can't help but expect something too... hehe
So did Koichiro get you something?
I can totally relate to your thoughts and feelings...the point is, it has to be the "right" guy.
Koichiro got me and Leigh some roses :)
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