Late April, I sat down with Gothic and asked him if he would do a shooting for my portfolio. I wanted to do a shooting on the theme of bonding, mother and child bonding. All the shots had to be natural, with no posing. There would be two settings. One would be a casual setting with the mommy playing with her baby, as they would every day. The other setting would be the mommy wearing a bridal gown with her little one as the flower girl.
Since Pascale was coming back with Leigh for a visit in May, we invited her and Leigh to model for us. I was so happy that Pascale agreed and Gothic bought the idea. I talked to both Pascale and Gothic, over the subsequent weeks, narrowing the details of the shoot leading up to the shooting day.
I was so happy that all of us agreed the photos would be clean, simple and chic. Pascale nailed the mood when she said casual would be white T-shirt and jeans. The bridal gown would be no lace, no beads, no shiny fabric. I felt that 50% of the shoot had been done.
Gothic then came to my place for a site visit and sat through the whole afternoon discussing the various angles and the lighting. When he left, he said "Great, natural lighting is abundant".
All that remained now was renting the gown, ordering the flowers for the posy, arranging the setting in my place. The day of the shooting got closer and closer. As a compulsive list maker, I was thrilled to be moving towards the end of the list.
I enjoyed the preparation process tremendously and I was so happy when everyone arrived on the day, nothing had to be changed. The gown, the flowers, the setting was all good to go. The preparation process was such a worthwhile experience. The best part was getting everyone to come together for the same idea.
Thanks, I really loved the resulting photos. Yes, they are very natural. :D
Oh the photos you uploaded are beautiful! Just reading your preparation post I felt so excited!!!
Thanks, I thought the pictures aptly described the "mood" we were trying to achieve. :)
The prepartation process was very exciting and rewarding.
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