The article by Sameer Reddy is titled "Keeping Up Appearances". It talks about how a character in a US prime time TV show, "Gossip Girl", "goes to great lengths to project a soignee appearance in order to court popularity at her exclusive Upper East Side prep school. She saves her allowances, frequent second hand shops, stitches her own party dress and does whatever else it takes to keep up with her better-off peers." In the end, she succeeded and even made it to "New York Post's Page Six gossip column."
The theme of the article is that a lot of people still want to project an air of well-off-ness in the economic downturn we are facing today. The gist is, we could do it with a little creativity and imagination. The author cited 2 luxury items, jewelry and bags, that women seemingly could not live without.
In this day and time, money in the pocket makes more sense than plunking it down on a sparkly diamond or a must-have bag. Popping up are lab-cultured diamonds and rent-a-bag shops. You could buy a diamond so real that diamond experts have a hard time to tell apart, and rent to own bags that could satisfy the urge to look hip.
I had a secret smile after reading this article. It reminded me of Jennifer Hudson's character, Louise, in the SATC movie. There was one scene when Carrie was interviewing her for an assistant post, and Louise was saying how she was living in a tiny room in NY city. Carrie then asked her how she could afford an LV bag, Louise smugly replied that she rented it, and said to Carrie, "You have a lot to learn from me, girl".
I still want to look good, but spending money in these tight times just doesn't make sense. Yeah, there are still a Chanel bag or 2 that I would looove to have, but parting with my money is not that easy now. I guess it has more to do than the economic crisis, I would want to believe that I have gotten wiser.
Weighing the US$2,000 I'd have to spend to get the coveted bag, is the amount of work I'd have to put into to find the money. Nowadays, I would ask myself, does the bag justify the extra stress? Well, the answer is a definite "No". My investment has shifted, from owning things to investing in myself, in knowledge and in values like empathy, integrity, and freedom.
Afterall things are just things and will fade away, or more likely, we'll be bored with it sooner than we think and will be stumped by the question, "Why the heck did I pay so much for this?"
Investing in oursleves, in the core of our being, is more long lasting. In the end, we'd appreciate the better person we have become.
我在些負債的日子上, 我學懂一件事, 懂得如何過豐盛的時間,又懂得如何過卑賤的日子。當自己有的時候, 不會好好計住用, 但當沒有的日子, 用一分一亳也會清楚思考一番才去用, 我認為這一方面可以叫自己節省一些, 但最重要是, 可以更有智慧去運用金錢!
我曾經看過有一個很有錢及有貴氣的人,只穿著牛仔衣, 最普通的衣服亦非常特出其氣質;但亦有些沒有貴氣的人, 穿著最貴的衣服, 亦覺得他們襯不起那些衣服!
Haha, I think that we have learned the hard way, but at the end of the day, we have become wiser.
What you said is so true, real elegance is in the attitude, not the brand. :)
Thanks for your comment.
I totally agree that 'things are things and they will fade away one day'.
Don't let 'things' control you, right?
It's a difficult lesson for women to follow though :D
It is difficult to follow thru' sometimes, but boy I try!! hehe :D
"real elegance is in the attitude" I can't agree more! I can buy the best kitchen & utencils, but still get food poisoning from my cooking 8P... To me, a woman's true attraction is her "inner beauty". With that, she knows what best fits her and the occasion, and the charm araises out of the inner confidence, knowledge, goodness and wisdom.
Let those nice brands and designs be tools that serve you when you feel like, instead of us being their servant. There was a saying "Those who matter doesn't care and those who care doesn't matter".
Wow, Hauter, this is a first!! You do read blogs? :p
"Those who matter doesn't care and those who care doesn't matter". Nice quip, and very to the point!!
Well I do read Blogs, just seldom voice out.
Happy New Year la!
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