Saturday, October 18, 2008

B Chan's Birthday

This month is B Chan's birthday. I don't know the exact day, but when I brought him home 6 years ago on X'mas eve, he was 2 months old . So, I deduced that his birthday must be some time in October. We celebrated with his and our favorite, blueberry cheese cake from Jam's Bakery down the block.

This year, we are missing Kobe, the cheese cake is also his favorite. Kobe is very picky with his food, but this one is definitely a winner! Here are some pictures taken today, with B chan trying to stay still and not gobble the cake in fromt of him. Happy 6th!!

It's my Birthday, I just turned 6...

Huh, mommy, still can't eat yet?

I hope it's birthday every day, yummy, yummy.....

Cheese cake from Jam Bakery


pascale said...

Happy Birthday Porky!
My, my, aren't you a good boy~ waiting for your permission to eat :)
Your cheese cake looks reak good too~!

bonnie said...

Yeah, I do have to wait for mommy's ok..., but once I hear the magic word, I turn into a speed-eater. I can gobble my dinner down in less than 2 minutes. :D

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